Baptism Service

Baptism Service

Baptism Class

Sunday, April 14  |  10:00am  |  Room WC102

If you would like more information on Baptism, please plan to attend this class. No sign up required.

Faith Kids - Baptism Class

Sunday, April 14  |  11:30am  |  Room WC102 

This class is for kids ages 4yrs-5th grade and their parents to discuss the next steps after the child(ren) has come to know Christ. Click on the link for more information and to sign up:


Click the link provided to sign up today:

When you trust Jesus as your Saviour, you begin to understand and experience more of the love God has for you. Gradually, over time, God's love changes you as you follow Jesus. You change because you are loved, not in order to be loved.

Through His death on the cross, and then coming back from the dead, Jesus took all of your wrong and gave you all of His right.

If you believe that and commit to following Him, your life will never be the same. It’s as simple as repenting of your sin, declaring you want to follow Jesus, and believing He is who He says He is.

Once you have decided to follow Jesus - being baptized is a great next step to publicly declare your faith in him, as well as symbolize the death of your old life and entry into new life.

If you are ready to start the conversation about being baptized, click the "Sign Up" link below, and we'll be in touch soon!


Click the link provided for answers to many common questions about Baptism.

The Meaning of Baptism

Click the link provided to watch our in-depth message about the purpose and significance of Baptism followed by an actual Baptism.