Week Five

Week Five

READ: Exodus 4:1-17

In the famous burning bush encounter between the Lord and Moses, we see that Moses was not too eager to go back to Egypt and accomplish what the God was calling him to do. Perhaps what is most prominent in the life of Moses at this time was his propensity to make excuses. How could Moses be successful with his checkered past and his questionable skillset? God would be better off calling someone else, right? God did not call on Moses because of his qualifications or great leadership skills. God called on Moses because God would be sure to get the glory from Moses’ obedience. Oftentimes we are afraid to step out in faith because of our inability, but when we do this, we fail to see God’s awesome ability.

PRAY: Help me to trust You and do what You say, even when I feel inadequate.  

READ: Judges 6:11-39

Mighty man of valor? Really? Anyone else walking by would see a faithless man of failure, a coward. Yet, the angel of the Lord does not call him this. Is this because Gideon had not reached his full potential because of his negative self-talk? No. God did not define Gideon by his weakness, but by the work God was going to do through him despite his weakness! When we look at ourselves, we see inability and all of our shortcomings. We see what we can give and come to the conclusion that this defines our identity. However, your identity is not wrapped up in what you can’t do, but it is found in your position in Christ and what He can do through you, if only you surrender to His purposes in your life.

PRAY: Lord, help me to stop looking at myself and to look to You instead.  

READ: Deuteronomy 7:7-9

Woah! How would you like that to be said about you on the playground when they are picking teams? “I didn’t pick you because you’re good or anything, but because I made a promise to your dad.” What a humbling truth to be told! This is a wonderful reminder that God does not save us because of some innate awesomeness within us. Romans 5:8 reminds us of that. Our own unworthiness highlights the incredible grace of God. Yet, we can sometimes think that we bring something special to the table. Or, we may think we bring nothing to the table! Both of these thoughts stem from the same focus, yourself. Instead, our focus should be on the One who has called us as we live lives of faithful obedience to Him. Advance may seem daunting, but it is God who called us to the task.

PRAY: Help me to be faithfully obedient to You. Thank you for saving me.   

READ: 1 Timothy 4:12

Others may have had the tendency to look down on young Timothy because of his young age and lack of experience, yet Paul says to not let this happen but to instead be an example by living a godly life. Once again, we see in Scripture that it is not about our ability, status, skill, or knowledge, but it is about our faithful obedience to the Lord. God can use a cracked cup, but He will not use a dirty vessel. What are you relying on to get you through? What is a common excuse for NOT getting through? Bring either or both of these things before the Lord and acknowledge that success is determined by obedience, not status or skill. What has God called you to do?

PRAY: Show me where I have been disobedient.  

READ: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

No one ever throws a celebratory party after a tragedy. Yet, Paul says here that he rejoices in his weakness and suffering. Why is this? It is because in these moments of weakness and hardships, the power of Christ is magnified, which is actually the whole point! When you are successful, does God get the glory if you, and everyone else around you, think that you did it because you are great? Probably not. God will often choose the weak things of this world so that it is obvious that God is the one behind it all. Who would have thought a country church in New Port Richey would take on such a big task? Do we get the credit? No, God does. Our job is to be obedient to Him.

PRAY: I want to give You the glory for my life.  

READ: 2 Chronicles 26:1-16

What a sobering story. This king was wildly successful because the Lord blessed him. Yet, when he thought he could do it on his own and that his success could be attributed to himself, this is when he failed. The continual theme throughout Scripture and in this week’s devotion is that we cannot and must not get caught up in what we bring to the table, big or small. We must keep our eyes on Christ and what He can do through us when we live lives surrendered to Him, obedient to His calling, and faithful to keep up the fight. Is this you? What do you need to do in order to demonstrate the power of God in spite of you?

PRAY: Lord, show me what next step of obedience I need to take for Your glory.