Week Two

Week Two

READ: 1 Samuel 17

Most people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. However, something that is NOT in this story is an account of how God told David to slay the giant. David’s heart was already in the right place, he already knew his purpose as a as a man of God. David took initiative to advance the purposes of God when no one else would, and he was able to accomplish this because his eyes were not fixed on himself, like Saul’s were, but his eyes were fixed on the Lord and what He Himself can do!  Fear can often prevent us from heeding the Word of God in our lives. But, when we are actively walking with God, we can take initiative and advance His purposes.

PRAY: Lord, help me to stay in tune with Your revealed Word through listening and obedience.  

READ: 1 Samuel 24:1-7

David, the anointed king of Israel, was hiding in a cave. This is likely not what he had in mind as a boy when Samuel anointed him. He was being relentlessly pursued by a vengeful King Saul, who was trying everything in his power to wipe David from the face of the earth. Finally, David got his chance to end things once and for all and claim his rightful place on the throne as God’s anointed. But he didn’t.  When it comes to obedience, there are no shortcuts. When God wants to advance something in your life, He will often test you to see if you will try to take things into your own hands or let God handle it. What have you been trying to do in your own power? Is there something you need to surrender?

READ: Lord, help me to fully surrender to You and trust You to advance in my life.  

READ: 2 Samuel 11:2-4a, 12:11-12

If a man like David can slip and experience perhaps the most devastating failure of his life in his “mature” years, we should surely weigh the warning!  No matter what your age, there will always be a need to bare our hearts before God and ask Him to expose a complacent attitude, selfish over-confidence, or an itch to push the envelope of what is wise and obedient. To call ourselves His children implies that we openly ask for His approval and direction . . . even before we sense looming danger or the seeds of disobedience. This warning serves as a reminder that we ought to never think of ourselves more highly than we ought, but to continually humble ourselves before the Lord as He advances us in His power. Don’t let pride impede the advancement of God.

PRAY: God, please help me to stay humble in my pursuit of You.  

READ: 2 Samuel 14:21, 23-24

Few things can hinder the advancement of God in your life like harboring unforgiveness can. In fact, God takes unforgiveness so seriously, He says that if you do not forgive others, He will not forgive you (Matt. 6:18). And, if you are praying and you are at ought with someone, you should get up immediately and reconcile with that person (Matt. 5:24). Once again we see David make a mistake of unforgiveness here and the kingdom is put in danger because of it.  Is there unforgiveness in your heart? With whom do you need to reconcile? Ask God to reveal if there is any root of bitterness so that He can continue the advancement in your life.

PRAY: Thank you for Your forgiveness, please reveal to me where I am unforgiving.  

READ: 1 Samuel 25: 1-38

When we are advancing in the Lord and He is doing powerful things in your life, it can be quite puzzling and even frustrating when others are not on board. Furthermore, if you are like David, it can even be angering! The temptation is often strong to point at the lives of other people and say, “But God, what about them?” We need to be reminded that while it is healthy to exhort others to love and good works, this does not mean that we take someone’s sanctification into our own hands. Just as God has His ways of dealing with you, He has His ways of dealing with others. Don’t be quick to point the finger, but let God work in the lives of others.

PRAY: God, help me to encourage others and to stay focused on You instead of others.  

READ: 2 Samuel 6

When we read this passage, we may ask, “Why in the world would God kill a man for touching the ark to prevent it from falling?” When you read it in context, you will see that they were transporting the Holy Ark inappropriately. If they would have taken time to learn how they should carry it, it never would have fallen in the first place. David was trying to use the presence of God to bolster his position and reputation as king, and this had devastating consequences. Often times, we can use God’s name in vain to try and bolster our own advancement instead of seeking how we can be used of God for His Kingdom advancement.

PRAY: Lord, I want to be used for Your advancement and surrender to You.