
We are passionate about discipleship at Faith Baptist Church. We don’t see discipleship as ministry of The Church, but the ministry of The Church. Almost everything we do is done with the Great Commission in mind to, “Go and Make Disciples” (Matt. 28:18-20). With Jesus’ command, we view discipleship as a comprehensive strategy of The Church, and it touches everything we do. Instead of viewing discipleship as strictly one-on-one relationships designed to help someone grow, we see throughout Scripture that there are different levels of discipleship designed to reach a specific goal of spiritual growth. This model of discipleship incorporates a biblical understanding of the 5 different groups that Jesus discipled; groups of 120 (Acts 1:15), 70 (Luke 10), 12 (Disciples), 3 (Peter, James, and John), and 1 (Peter).

Click on a ring to the left to view details about that level of discipleship.

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