Peters Newsletter

Peters Newsletter

Dear Faith Baptist,

Thanks for your note.  Because of Dan's ongoing heart issues, we can no longer stay on the field so we are stateside in Springfield, MO where three of our four kids live.  As of Jan, our status has changed to "active retired" which means we can still visit churches, etc.

We still do ministry with Hungarians every Fri  as Dan teaches the Fri night Bible study in Hungary via Google Meet!  It's always fun to chat with them, sing, teach, pray, etc.  It's a blessing to them and to us. Patty met a Hungarian lady at the local farmer's market here and through her, we found a group of Hungarian believers who meet together just about every Sunday afternoon from house to house.  We've been meeting regularly with them for almost a year now.  There are around 100 Hungarians in Springfield and the surrounding area--who knew!!  It's a good way to keep up the language practice (although they all speak English well having lived in the states for many years) and we enjoy the fellowship.

We'd appreciate your prayers for those ministries and for Dan's health.  After the pacemaker surgery, he is doing well although he still has Afib that flares from time to time.  He goes back to the cardiologist on Nov 30th to see if he needs the ablation procedure as well or not. Thankfully, Patty is doing well and will have a minor procedure on one eye to correct a plugged tear duct.  We're not sure when that will be.

We see from emails and Facebook that great things are happening at the church!  Continued prayers for the staff and church and you continue to grow.

God bless and thanks again for your prayers!

Dan and Patty Peters