

The Faith Senior's First Tuesday Service is held in the Chapel of the Education Building on the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00am. The service is followed by an offcampus lunch (Reserve your seats by visiting our EVENTS PAGE) and time of fellowship.

Scam and Fraud Seminar

Friday, April 11  |  3:00pm - 4:00pm  |  WC104

Lead by our Pasco County Sheriff's Department to educate and warn seniors about the dangers of scams and fraud.

Game Day

Saturday, May 10  |  1:00pm - 4:00pm  |  in the Chapel

Join us for a time of fun, food, and fellowship!

Clearwater Thresher Game

Saturday, June 14  |  6:30pm  |  Cost: $25

Come on out and watch a great ball game with us!

Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25  |  6:30pm - 8:30pm 

Help us be a blessing to all of the kids who will be attending this years VBS by volunteering!

Game Day

Saturday, August 9  |  1:00pm - 4:00pm  |  in the Chapel

Join us for a time of fun, food, and fellowship!

Coffee, Donuts, and Testimonys

Saturday, October 18  |  9:00am - 10:30am  |  in the Annex

Join us for a time of fun, food, and fellowship!

Christmas Carol Sing

Wednesday, December 10  |  1:00pm  |  in the Chapel