Meet Our Director

Meet Our Director


When Robin was a senior in high school, her family came to Faith Baptist in 1980.  She graduated from Faith Christian School, which was part of Faith Baptist Church at the time.  Faith Baptist is where Robin met the love of her life, Bob Bell, in 1981, and they were married at Faith Baptist in 1982.  Bob and Robin have two daughters, Heather (Joshua) and Holly (Steve), and six grandsons.

Through the years, Bob and Robin have served in various volunteer roles, but in May of 1992, Pastor Doug Davis extended the offer to fill the church secretary position to Robin.    
1 Timothy 1:12 is a verse that she identifies with …12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;…

2022 marked 30 years of working, serving, and ministering full-time for Robin.  Her role has now transitioned to Director of Ministry Care, which includes a lead role in the Faith Women’s Ministry. 

“Faith Women’s ministry exists to give every woman a place at the table, provide her opportunities to grow in Christ, and inspire her to love and serve others.”




Phone: 727-847-3550